Sunday, March 18, 2007

Last Sunday

Hi again. So Sunday we went to see more odd places, that are on the map. So on this trip, it was all back roads. Which made for a very interesting drive.
the first stop is the Koroluk land side.

Yes the hole is a bullet hole. Out here I guess things that don't move are fair game .

See. :)

Now as we were driving away on the back roads, we came across this memorial. Thinking it would be something neat, we investigated. See for Yourself.

Ok so We decided to see Buzzard Sask. Its on the map, and has a kewl name. On the way we came across this old bridge. The funny thing is the grafity is kind interesting.

And now for Buzzard, A small town, with a big problem. You'll see why.

So I hope you get their problem. Yes to A's and my disappointment, Buzzard does not exist anymore.

So out here, I don't see many good barns but a whole lot of run down old barns. Not sure why the livestock don't get homes. So here is a photo of the many barns that are out here.

And now for something completely different, a Lama in a mall.

Last Saturday

Hello all, hope things are good in civilization. Just to let you all know, my dad and brother is doing well. Thank you for the well wishes, it seemed to work. Sorry I haven't updated for a while, the internet at the hotel is very sketchy.
So A and I made another trip to Calgary this weekend, and now I'm able to add the past few weeks of exploring.
The first set is the wonderfull town of Fabyan.

Well I hope you enjoyed the tour of Fabyan. Yupp that was it, all 20 buildings.
Next stop was the Viking Ribstones.

Ok the next stop is Red Dear. I only took two pictures of the downtown core. But its pretty much the same with all the streets.

Ok that was it for Saturday. see you very shortly for Sundays exploration.