Thursday, February 22, 2007


Hello all, sorry the internet is very sketchy here so, sometimes I have trouble logging in. Either way here is the pics of the great divide.

Hard to see on this pic, but the banff Taxi has a ski rack on the roof.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


So here is some of the pics from the museum.


Hello everyone, hope things are good. This is a large blog, so I will be doing it in several parts.
So A and I decided to stay in Calgary for the weekend. We left Friday night, and is staying in a downtown hotel. Yesterday we went out a bit to see the downtown core. It is so different then Edmonton. I find Edmonton to be a transient town. Feels like no one lives there, but pass through it. No vibe, or fun feelings from most of the city. Calgary however is a fun, exciting, vibrant city, with a large, friendly night life, and downtown core. We ended up in a pub, and after we went back to the hotel for a much needed rest. Now A and I play a game with the Albertans (without their knowledge) We ask for an item, but add decadent to it. A asked a Timmy's girl for the most decadent donut. She looked several times at the donuts, then said, she doesn't know what we meant. So far, no one in this province knows the word decedents. However last night, we met our match. The waitress knew the word decadents and corpulence. Its so good to finally meet an intelligent town. :) Today, we went to see the old base, since a was once posted here. The base has been long closed, and most of it has been torn down and made into condos. Calgary is booming fast, lots of condos, and building are going up everywhere. Either way, after taking a bit of a tour around the former base, we went to the regimental museum. (the next post will be the pictures from the museum) After a bit of history intake we drove the hour trip to the great continental divide. Yes I finally saw the rockies. We also passed through Cemmor. No I didn't see Mike. lol After Cemmor, we then went to Banff. Banff reminds me of Niagara Falls, but with out the seediness. Since it was after lunchtime, we headed for a pub for luckily a great bison burger. (It was most decadent.) :) Pictures from the rockies are on the third post. I must apologize for the quality, as I did most of the shots thought the window. On a side note, this province is quite odd weather wise. On thurusday it was -42C with the wind chill. It was so cold i had to get another blanket and a heater to keep warm, since I was shivering after work. When I awoke I was very hot, Turns out the temperature was +2C a 40 degre chance with in 12 hours. What a shock to the system. Enjoy the pics :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well hello everyone, I'm sure things are great where ever you all are. Only cause you are not here. lol

So Friday A and I rammed some culture in us, which I know is rare for me. And how did A and I get culture, well we went to an art exhibit by the actual artist. Sorta like a meet and greet for music, but with pictures. Yes thats right, I went to an art exhibit that wasn't a friend's.(not thats its a bad thing, I have enjoyed everyone so far. :) ) Things change when you are looking for anything that has a bit of intellect in it.
We went to the West Edmonton Mall, to the Editions Gallery right after work. (Well after washing up), where we waited in a long line to meet the great Michael Godard himself, and his lovely wife. A had already bought a piece called Tiki Martini. I bought a great piece called The Heist, both signed and personalized. Also we got a bottle of the deadly 7 sins signed. My bottle is pictured. Now for those of you who don't think I'm a true pimp. I have proof, well verification of such. (picture shown) :D I will post the rest of the weekend later, after I get the video. Yes my blog will soon have videos in it. Also Pics of A and I with Mr Godard.

Monday, February 5, 2007


Hello all, hope things are well. I had to work Sunday, so I didn't do much this weekend. A and I went exploring some more, and drove to Camrose. It was an odd drive cause the signs are a bit different I find. One sign says 78 km, but in the other direction it says 138km. I think its the aliens again, but I'm no expert. So its over an hour drive north of Wainwright, but it feels like im driving south. (Still not sure how that works.) So we arrive in big Camrose, and it has everything that Lloyd has, but in a nicer setting. We will be going back during the day to visit the attractions that they have. Being hungry, we went looking for a restaurant, So we went to O Tooles, a nice looking Irish pub. We got seated and waited over 15 min, with no service. So we up, and left the place. across the road was an East Side Marrios. The manager sat us down and A asked if we will be served, the manager asked if we came from across the road, we said yes, his reply was that he should call the bar and say thank you for all the business. (phew, I thought it was personal.) The meal was great, and the service was to match. Saturday we will be going to see Camrose in daylight. On the way back, we decided to take the back roads home. Saw lots of great historic, and small places. Such places as; Bawlf, Daysland, Strome, and many others. The real good thing as that I saw where those lights are located.( the ones A and I tried to find, but ended up helping the Mounties free their car.) Well Its an intersection of hwys 41 and 13. and now you know, and knowing is half the battle. Now for the odd thing. (funny how odd things happen out here.) As we approached the city limits, there was a thick fog that started at the city line. before the city line, it was clear. (odd ) .

Saturday I started at the Wainwright museum, and took pics of the town. So you all have an idea, of what this place is like. Then A, M and I went to Edmonton to get a few things.
So a very brief history of Wainwright. It was originally called Denwood, and located where the base is now. So as the rail road moved west, they had to over come the Battle river. Well being as resourceful as humans are, the Rail company designed and started to build the bridge. So to support the bridge building, they built a town. ( not sure as to why they didn't use Denwood, but I wasn't there.) Now the railroad names towns after their bosses. hence the name Wainwright, (I think he was a VP, sorry I forgot). There i did learn something else, and it only cost me five bucks.

The pics are of the museum (which is in the train/bus station) , then the town. ( I wish I knew how to put these in order.) enjoy.