Saturday, February 17, 2007


Hello everyone, hope things are good. This is a large blog, so I will be doing it in several parts.
So A and I decided to stay in Calgary for the weekend. We left Friday night, and is staying in a downtown hotel. Yesterday we went out a bit to see the downtown core. It is so different then Edmonton. I find Edmonton to be a transient town. Feels like no one lives there, but pass through it. No vibe, or fun feelings from most of the city. Calgary however is a fun, exciting, vibrant city, with a large, friendly night life, and downtown core. We ended up in a pub, and after we went back to the hotel for a much needed rest. Now A and I play a game with the Albertans (without their knowledge) We ask for an item, but add decadent to it. A asked a Timmy's girl for the most decadent donut. She looked several times at the donuts, then said, she doesn't know what we meant. So far, no one in this province knows the word decedents. However last night, we met our match. The waitress knew the word decadents and corpulence. Its so good to finally meet an intelligent town. :) Today, we went to see the old base, since a was once posted here. The base has been long closed, and most of it has been torn down and made into condos. Calgary is booming fast, lots of condos, and building are going up everywhere. Either way, after taking a bit of a tour around the former base, we went to the regimental museum. (the next post will be the pictures from the museum) After a bit of history intake we drove the hour trip to the great continental divide. Yes I finally saw the rockies. We also passed through Cemmor. No I didn't see Mike. lol After Cemmor, we then went to Banff. Banff reminds me of Niagara Falls, but with out the seediness. Since it was after lunchtime, we headed for a pub for luckily a great bison burger. (It was most decadent.) :) Pictures from the rockies are on the third post. I must apologize for the quality, as I did most of the shots thought the window. On a side note, this province is quite odd weather wise. On thurusday it was -42C with the wind chill. It was so cold i had to get another blanket and a heater to keep warm, since I was shivering after work. When I awoke I was very hot, Turns out the temperature was +2C a 40 degre chance with in 12 hours. What a shock to the system. Enjoy the pics :)

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