Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well hello everyone, I'm sure things are great where ever you all are. Only cause you are not here. lol

So Friday A and I rammed some culture in us, which I know is rare for me. And how did A and I get culture, well we went to an art exhibit by the actual artist. Sorta like a meet and greet for music, but with pictures. Yes thats right, I went to an art exhibit that wasn't a friend's.(not thats its a bad thing, I have enjoyed everyone so far. :) ) Things change when you are looking for anything that has a bit of intellect in it.
We went to the West Edmonton Mall, to the Editions Gallery right after work. (Well after washing up), where we waited in a long line to meet the great Michael Godard himself, and his lovely wife. A had already bought a piece called Tiki Martini. I bought a great piece called The Heist, both signed and personalized. Also we got a bottle of the deadly 7 sins signed. My bottle is pictured. Now for those of you who don't think I'm a true pimp. I have proof, well verification of such. (picture shown) :D I will post the rest of the weekend later, after I get the video. Yes my blog will soon have videos in it. Also Pics of A and I with Mr Godard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! The pimp suit comes out! Awesome! You need to wear that to more poker games.