isn't he so cute. I think hes a he.
ooops I think he caught me peeking. lol
Ok so this guy was found by customs in a suit case. Wow how do you explain that.
You know your having a bad day when...
Right said Fred. Actually what ever Fred says, Fred is right.
Ok now for the worlds largest T-Rex. The T-Rex also serves as the information center and it costs $3 to go up in it.
Further down the road they have a cable suspension bridge. And what does one do with this bridge, you cross it silly.
so on the way to the bridge, we saw a house that can only be described by pictures.
I found the reason why the dinosourses died, they tripped on these things called Hoodoos. Well thats what I think, nothing scientific. So the Hoodoos are created by the flow of the old river that once covered the center part of north America.
Im sure you all have heard of mountain goats and mountain lions. Well I found mountain cows. See for yourselves
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